Friday, January 18, 2008

Jamie Metzger 2006-2007submission Portfolio part:one
Here is the portfolio from a first year student at Sheridan college's Animation program. *Note all artwork is copyrighted, etc etc etc you know what im talking about.* Check out the artists' blog at the above link


joshcart said...

hey 2 questions, 1 how long approx did you spend on the character and stroty board, 2 what was the portfolios gpa, (just getting an idea for next years application) its very good and i am very impressed with the your ability

Victoria Breton said...

I'd love to know the gpa's of each section, if it's not too much trouble! Thanks a lot either way; your work has been incredibly inspiring.

Andrew Murray said...

If you want to ask the artist who actually did this particular portfolio, you can contact her at her blog.

I only post up the work of others to glance at.

Jonathan Coit said...

Jonathan Coit said...
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Jonathan Coit said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Jonathan! I was wondering did you draw these digitally or did u sketch it out on paper before going over it digitally?